2024.8.5 - 2024.8.11


Bitlayer co-founder Kevin He @0xkevinhe stated at the "FORESIGHT 2024" annual summit that there have been three conceptual shifts in Bitcoin over the past two years: Bitcoin can issue assets, Bitcoin can generate yield, and Bitcoin can verify arbitrary computations. Additionally, two major changes have occurred: the return of the Builder spirit is reassuring, and institutional Bitcoin strategies are exciting.

Bitlayer is the first Bitcoin security-equivalent Layer 2 based on BitVM.


BitVM Project https://github.com/BitVM/BitVM Split Script Update

  1. The Groth16 verifier script has been split into a total of 1,040 chunks, with each chunk not exceeding 3MB (3,000,000B). The maximum number of stack items that need to be copied between chunks is 1,066, which likely still requires optimization.

  2. The Fflonk verifier script has been split into a total of 1,041 chunks, with each chunk not exceeding 3MB (3,000,000B). The maximum number of stack items that need to be copied between chunks is 927.


BitVM PR https://github.com/BitVM/BitVM/pull/84 reduces the multiplication from 71,757 bits to 68,328 bits.


1. The Alpen team uploaded a paper https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1236.pdf, claiming that by using optimized NAF multiplication, the length of BitVM scripts can be reduced. However, there is no implementation available yet.

2. Recently, an independent team called Element has emerged, focusing on contributing to the bridge module of BitVM. This team has no relationship with ZeroSync. Team introduction: https://element.team/, code repository: https://github.com/elementlabs42/BitVM-playground/

Last updated